EGD with Bravo
An EGD is performed to examine the esophagus and stomach. The location of the Lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is measured. The presence or absence of a hiatal hernia is evaluated and the evidence of reflux can be seen. A temporary computer chip that detects acid levels is placed in the esophagus via a deployment system. This device is attached to the mucosa of the esophagus and stays there for about 2 weeks. The patient then carries a small pager with them for 4 days that communicates with the computer chip. This information is downloaded after the recorder is returned and a report is generated. This gives us realtime information about how much acid is washing into the esophagus.
ManometryA special catheter is inserted in the nose and passed into the esophagus. This special catheter measures the pressures in the esophageal body and gives a reading of the peristaltic efficiency of the esophagus. These measurements give information about the strength of the swallow, the progression of that swallow as well as the relaxation of the LES. These measurements provide information that helps the surgeon decide which procedure to perform, once a surgery is decided to be the next right step.
Video Dynamic EsophogramThis test demonstrates the function of the esophagus while swallowing liquid, semi solid and solid phase materials to give a live look at the swallowing apparatus. The video x-ray is taken while the patient swallows contrast material in the different phases. The resulting images helps, in conjunction with all the other testing to give the complete understanding of the esophageal motility.
Bravo Capsule Deployment System |